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FontLab Affiliates


FontLab Trademarks

It is important that you use the FontLab trademarks properly. So please remember:

The company is called Fontlab Ltd. (with a lowercase "l"), and not "FontLab Ltd.", nor "FontLab", nor "Font Lab", nor "Pyrus" or anything else.

The product brand for all our products is called FontLab (with a capital "L"). So you may say "All FontLab products" or "All Fontlab Ltd. products".

The professional font editor is called FontLab Studio, not "FontLab" and not "Font Studio". We no longer sell a product that is called just "FontLab".

The other product names should be spelled as follows: AsiaFont Studio, BitFonter, FogLamp, Fontographer, ScanFont, TypeTool, TransType, FontFlasher, FONmaker, SigMaker, CompoCompiler.

Fontlab Links

As an Associate you are required to have at least two links from your website to ours. One link is a simple link for the search engines. The others are "money links" which will get you credit for products bought by your visitors. Here's how to link your website to ours so that you can refer your visitors.

The Search Engine Link

This is a simple link of the form

<a href="">FontLab</a>


<a href="">Fontlab font editors</a>

Since this is for the benefit of the search engines we don't want people to use it, so put it in small print somewhere obscure like at the bottom of the page. But it must be on your home page.


The Money Links


These are the links you want people to click on so that they will register on our site as one of your visitors and you will get a commission for anything they buy. So make these links prominent. You can place as many as you want on any pages of your website.

Text Link

To use the text link "FontLab", for instance , insert the following line into your HTML page:

<a href="https://www.cleverbridge.com/313/cookie?affiliate=####&redirectt

Where #### is replaced by your Affiliate ID number. You can put any text you want in place of the word "FontLab".

The text link above links to the FontLab home page (frontpage). If you want the link to go to another page on the FontLab website (say, the FontLab Studio page) you can add a little phrase to send your visitor there. The link would look like:

<a href="https://www.cleverbridge.com/313/cookie?affiliate=####&redirectto=http://www.fontlab.com/font-editor/fontlab-studio/">FontLab Studio</a>

(remember to substitute your affiliate number for the ####) . You can link to any page on our website just by substituting the URL of that page into the link as we have done. Other examples:

<a href="https://www.cleverbridge.com/313/cookie?affiliate=####&redirectto=http://www.fontlab.com/font-converter/transtype/">TransType</a>

for the TransType page, or

<a href="https://www.cleverbridge.com/313/cookie?affiliate=####&redirectto=http://www.fontlab.com/font-editor/">Font editors</a>

for the font editors page,

etc. where redirectto=http://www.fontlab.com/font-converter/transtype/ gives the path to the individual page. All the product pages follow this same format. You can use the sitemap to determine links to individual pages.

Banner Link

You can also put images on your web pages and use them to link to the Fontlab website. You can use any images you want, but here are three Fontlab banners you might find useful:

You can download any image for use on your website as a link ("FontLab" is a trademark of Fontlab Ltd.) to our website by right-clicking (<ctrl>-clicking on Mac) on the image and then saving it to your computer. The HTML link itself would be structured as follows:

<a href="https://www.cleverbridge.com/313/cookie?affiliate=####&redirectto=http://www.fontlab.com/"><img src="images/banner_fontlab.gif" width="240" height="48" border="0" alt="FontLab digital type design tools"></a>

In which you would delete #### and replace it with your your Affiliate ID number, and images/banner_fontlab.gif would be replaced by the path to the image you are using (and the correct dimensions placed in "width=" and "height=", etc.).